
New Phenom Bolt by New DeSignz just arrived!

The new Tippmann X7 Phenom upgrade bolts from New DeSignz just arrived in the warehouse.  We don’t have them up on the site as of this posting but they will be soon. When they’re up, you’ll find them with this link.

New Designs Turbo Valve Housing still a few weeks out

The Tippmann Turbo Valve Housing  from New DeSigns is still out of stock.  I spoke with New Designs and while they didn’t give a specific reason, they are working on the issue.  Last thing they said was a few weeks.  So that will hopefully put some in our hands for shipping by May 12th.  This is a unique replacement valve and there are no substitutions.  It’s worth waiting for.  You’ll just have to wait a bit longer.  We do have PLENTY on order to clear back orders when they arrive. 

If you’re in a pinch don’t forget that we always have the stock Tippmann Valve 02-V  02-V Tippmann COMPLETE VALVEavailable.  This particular one comes with all the internals so it’s ready to drop in.  You can get a stock valve body only  02-25 Tippmann VALVE BODY (NO INTERNALS)too.